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The New Semester Begineth - or - Flash, the Final Frontier
As I look at my schedule for the next semester, that's not what I am doing right now, I see that my semester will be almost compleetly tied up in a little application called Flash. As of right now I have three classes on the subject, one (telecom's T425 on flash apps on unconventional devices) will be all new and moslty conseptiual, another (fine art's T330) will be almost all dealing with Action Script and will be very helpful in my Informtaics capstone class. The third and final Flash class is based on design and advertising and I am going to drop it. I just cannot handle three classes, in a row, in front of a computer.

One thing that has been on my mind recently is what this all will mean for my future. Will I inevitably sit in front of a comuter and deign "cool" graphics that fly across stranger's screens and help them have a more enjoyable web-surf? I sure hope not.


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