Gone, but not forgotten
What is the greatest source of wasted time for not only Pastor Bayly but also for the majority of those who are subscribing to World magazine? That's right, it's thier very own system for blogs. So what are the pros and cons of this system. To be able to, at any time, post ideas that one has on any given topic is a very useful thing for a pastor to be able to do, however, with the same token this can easily take up all the free time that the blogger has. The danger, as I see it, with blogging isn't the posting of the blog but rather the time it takes to keep up-to-date with the postings that have already been made.
This blog entry for example will never be checked by me, you can make a comment if you would like, ask me a question, carry on a conversation with other bloggers about this topic, but I will never come back and check on you. This, you might think, defeats the purpose of posting, but in fact here is why it does not. If I have something I want to say the blog allows me to do so in a public-esque forum. Then the public, you, can discuss it. For me to come back in to the forum and converse with you would require more and more time from me.
So is blogging bad. No. Is it good? No. Blogs are good as long as they don't suck your time from all the other things that demand your time. Well, I am just blowing steam, this is now the end. Here is the link to the worldmag blog site [click here]
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