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She Said Yes & The Crazy Weekend

I asked her, and she said yes. On Friday night Michal and I were at our friend's house with her brother and sister-in-law, and her cousin Chris and his family. It was a nice night of just sitting around talking, drinking Wassle, watching the wind blow the fire, looking at pictures of "the old times past" and trying not to show how incredibly nurvous I was.

We left the Baker's house late, nearly half-past midnight, and went for a drive (one of my favorite past-times). We soon found ourselves at the lake, standing in the cold, flooded in the light of my headlights. We talked about what a wonderful evening it had been and how blessed we are to have friends who care so much about us and show us what it means to be godly parents and godly husbands and wives. As we pondered this blessing I told her that this thought led me to a question that I would like to ask and got down on my knee.

That was the start to a weekend of an abundance of joy and an overflow of blessings and best wishes from our friends and relatives. Saturday we decided that it would be fun to reinact our evenings saga in front of multiple groups of people and proceeded to fool our friends and family into believing that they were witnessing "the" event.

I can honestly say that I have never spoken to so many people in one day as I did this past Sunday. Everyone at church was full of "best wishes" and congradulations as well as advice and intrest in when to get married and how to plan the future. Towards the end of the day we were both feeling a little overwhelmed with advice, but we could not be more thankful for the wonderful friends that God has given us. Thank you everyone, and may God bless you has he has blessed me.


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