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The Year of the Yao

Okay, so I must admit, when I saw the title for this one I thought it was gonna be a kung-fu flic (as far as I know it still could turn out to be just that). Here is what I have found out about this one so far: "We are going to take you on a journey of adventure, mystery and romance" says Lextor Hamilton of Fine Line Features. "I don't have any idea what he was talking about" says Yao, assisted by translator Jimmy Ho "I thought it was a kung-fu flic."

As everyone who follows Pro basketball should know, Yao Ming is the 7'5" superstar from China. I however do not follow Pro b-ball (or Kobe-ball as I like to call it) so I had to ask Taylor who he was. Supposedly he started out in China as a 3'7" baby, and has grown into his shoes to become one of the greatest chinese basketball players playing pro ball in america currently.

Some may not like Yao, I am not really sure why they would not, and I am not saying that I don't... why would you think that I was saying that I don't like him? What kind of person do you think I am? I don't understand why you can't simply let me tell you what's on my mind without interupting me and calling me racist or something. Thanks a lot... all I was gonna say is that Yao is a cool guy...

My Rating: 6.5/10 - I don't know, maybe it will have kung-fu!


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