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Another Blog

You know how people say that every day you learn something new? Well, I don’t know if it’s really true, I think sometimes it hold true for some people, nevertheless I did learn something new today. I learned that there are actually other Blogs out there, other than my own, that are worth reading.

Today I stumbled upon the Blog of Nathan Alberson (and some others) and it is really good. In fact it is so good that I am devoting an entire post simply to them. And, you are reading that post. Instead of simply reading, you should click here and check out their blog for yourself.

My rating: I don’t think I have ever sat down and rated a blog (heck, they also say there’s a first time for everything! – they are so smart). 8 stars.


Anonymous said...

Nathan is funnier than you are, and I think you're funny.

Anonymous said...

Where'd you get the geeky photo? Who's that in the middle? Nathan hasn't worn shorts and flowery print shirts in years.

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