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Yeah, so I remember when kids use to play video games... so now are kids so lazy that they have to watch them. Of course I remember sitting in our living room with my brothers watching Peter (the self-proclaimed "Master" of Mario) power-up and shoot fire balls. We could have watched him for hours (if our Mom hadn't unjustifiably relegated our time to 20 minute increments). But what’s the deal with video games coming to the big screen? Books being made into movies makes sense, movies allow the viewer to give up their rite to an imagination and allows the director to dictate the world that was once only words and descriptions. I understand comic books being made in to movies. The stories are there, they are a visual media, they simply become “animated”. But video games? The story lines of these game/movies are all the same… monsters take over something and an elite force of someones has to save the day/planet/galaxy/dimension…etc… This movie Serenity will be no exception. If you want to spend your money watching a game that you will never get a turn at (Peter always had to turn over the controller sooner or later), you might as well wait for the Halo movie to come out. But I recommend dusting off that old NES and bouncing off of some Hammer Brothers…

Cute, Eh?


Anonymous said...

Hey Ben, this is Josh. Serenity is an AWESOME movie!!!! You should see it! Anna's right. It's based off a TV series not a videogame. It's great. I've seen it twice and watched the series ("Firefly").

Benjamin Crum said...

Hey ya'll...thanks for posting. Just wanted to clarify a little... I didn't think that it was based on a video game, that's simply what it looks like (you know, as many explosions and "cheap" special effects as the producer can afford!) - However, what I didn't mention was this... there are two things that can make this kind of movie worth seeing. 1) - A good story. Even the worst looking movies can redeem themselves with good stories. 2) - Fun! The movie can look like it'll be lame, but end up being just good ol' fun (like Hellboy!). Keep reading!

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