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Every once in a while I miss a good movie. Inevitably three or four years later someone says, "hey Ben, remember that part in ... " and I've gotta say, "um, no, never saw it!". Well, if you're like me then I've got good news for you. Hollywood, it seems, is beginning to release the same movie, a few years later so that you can go watch it again (for the first time). Dirty is one of those films. Anyone ever heard of Training Day? It's not like they took some obscure Japanese movie and made The Ring, no, they took a really popular movie and did the same thing (hey, that rhymes - editor). I think this might be a cool movie. But why not just watch Training Day again? I'm not saying that the genre of crooked cops isn't legit, I'm saying that the way this one is shot, the way the characters are portrayed, the way the trailer is put together make me think that this is simply a clone with a new name.

I'll give this one 3 1/2 stars. Not worth my time and money (why pay $10 when I can rent it for three?)


Nathan said...

Course you realize the Ring was tremendously popular in Japan

Benjamin Crum said...

yeah, that's what I'm saying. If something is popular in one place and so remade to be released elsewhere that's cool. But remaking the same film for the same audience is insulting to the memory of the audience.

Nathan said...

what's really sad is they're not even waiting twenty years anymore

James Hogue said...

Totally different movie, but have you seen the trailer for Firewall with Harrison Ford? That looks pretty good, what do the experts at bcOnline think? (because I can't make a decision without them)...j/k

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