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Movie of the Week

Well, this isn't a new article that I will write every week, I just couldn't think of another title to use because I didn't want to give away the film that I would be writing about.

So, since when can you release a film with no script and no storyline? I know that people are making all these emo-style movies that have little plot and lame scripts, but this preview I just watched appeared to have no pre-written script...but you know what... it looks awesome! It's called Dave Chappelle's Block Party and if it's anything like it's preview, I am gonna love it. I don't usually like films like this (Kings of Comedy-esque, or Concert Movies) but this is different. It looks like the film follows Dave around for the days before his show, and then shows the party. It will be funny and fun. Not a movie with a story or plot, but still entertaining. I can't wait.

My Rating: 8.5/10 - Good, not so clean, humor.


Nathan said...

i guess if you like dave chapelle

Benjamin Crum said...

here's what I do. I go to 'post' a new blog entry, I upload a picture (as if I were putting it in a post), this creates a URL, I then copy that URL to my profile and exit the 'post' without posting it (the picture is saved, and the post is not)

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