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Dream Dog

A Benjamin Crum Film

This film, featured on the Crum Family Blog, is the latest to come out of the BC Online/CBF partnership. CBF (Crum Brother Films) was established just last year and already has some great projects in the works.


Kim said...

I am not sure of the cinematic value of this movie. (see Nate's latest post) However, my FAVORITEST part was hearing the THUNK as the frisbee hit Jon's head. i have to admit I replayed that part at least 4 times. SOrry Jon. It was just a great sound!

Anonymous said...

when did nate post about that?

Nathan said...

i especially like the black and white congo footage, and the way it was edited together.

and jon, as ever, makes a convincing idiot.

Nathan said...

the frisbee hit and fall are indeed classic, mrs. j!

Kim said...

oops, I meant Nathan. oh well...

Benjamin Crum said...

well, kim, I don't know if I can really answer that question in words... I guess I didn't think it would add anything and it worked the way I wanted it to.

my films are few and far between... keep waiting.

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