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Windows Live Local

It isn't often that I promote something from Microsoft, but this has got to be seen. Their "Windows Live Local" webservice is what powered my Hole in a Hill post on the Crum Family Blog. Now check this out. I have tried my best to find all the houses and dorms that I have lived in (which means anyone from my family would have a slightly different list). You will notice some of the locations are not houses but rather towns, that's because I have no idea where our house or apartments were in those towns.



mom said...

You missed Johnston Avenue, Roslyn, PA, and San Juan Capistrano (I don't remember that address--it was a rental condo and we had cable TV for the first and only time, I think). We spent a week or so in the BOQ on Rattlesnake Canyon Rd. at Camp Pendleton, moved to SJC, and then moved into the Rocky Court house (with a San Clemente address).

Are these current photos? I've wondered if the house on Mare Island is still there.

Benjamin Crum said...

thanks mom, i tried to fix all that

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