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Thief - a Benjamin Crum film

NOTE: This Film was shot backwards - that is why it is awesome.

A new film from director Benjamin Crum.


Anonymous said...

I always appreciated (and still do) your creativity, Ben! I used to admire your drawings that you penned out during church services... and I can still admire your visual work here! Keep it up! You (creatively) inspire me! That may sound a bit cheesey... but it's true. :o)

-Sarah O.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is it was awesome.

gelok said...

Neither Ballantine nor Muse will ever be the same again. Eprops from Xangaland. Nice.

By the by, you need to join the Kung Fu Nacho Company. I need you to design cool T-shirts, because I know for a fact that my designer skills are somewhere around the skills of an actual nacho trying to do a self-portrait.

Nate said...


TomZach Crum said...

That movie was awesome! I think I just watched it for like the 100th time today, but oh well!!

Benjamin Crum said...

not bally-hall dan, the art building

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