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What's My Name?

I guess there are some bloggers out there playing tag. My Mom got tagged and has now tagged me... thus, this post: (oh, and one note before you read on, I hate telling other people what I think traits of myself are because they probably think "yeah right, if he only knew!")

W - White - the color of my skin. Though it's not really white, we only say it is to make really white people feel good. It's more of a "flesh" color if you ask me.

I - Interested - There are things that I am interested in. Some things I am not. But "I" stands for the ones that I am.

L - Light - This, the first of the "L"s stands for light. Compared to the United States Ship, Carl Vinson, I am light. Did you know that the Carl Vinson, a Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, weighs 100,000 gazillion megatons (according to Wikipedia)!!!

L - Lighter - this is a cop-out since I didn't want to come up with another word with "L".

I - Indigo - There are many men in the world who claim to only know of five colors (six tops if you consider "camouflage" a color). I however know of many more names for those same colors. Indigo, for example is just another name for "darkish medium purplish blue".

A - Anti - There are some people who always say "I'm all for it!" Well I'm not. There are some things that I am not for: Public Urination, for example, is one thing that I am adamantly apposed to.

M - Mxolisi - Okay, this really isn't a "trait" of mine, it's actually just the name of a child in South Africa. But It's a really fun name to say (you have to cluck the "x" - ending the cluck in the "o" sound: Mmm-[cluck]+oh-leesee). Daniel loves it when I say this name.

So there you have it... so now, who should I tag?


Anonymous said...

Hey, I got your comment on my "Pandora" post. If you're willing to share, I'd love it if I didn't have to buy one at Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...

oh... this was just fun to read!

except... pardon me, I'm an English geek... under "A"... "apposed" is supposed to be spelled with an "o", as in "opposed"...

also... neat new design... but again... the whole proof-reading thing... under blog links should it read "My Mother THAT Raised Me"???

And lastly... I see you have a tab that says "Daniel Crum"!!!! Yay!

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