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Street Kings

Two years ago I wrote a critique of a trailer for a movie called 'Dirty', a movie I called a clear rip-off of Training Day. So, if you were a director wanting to rip-off Training Day again, who would you pick to be the bad-ass rouge cop? ... How about Keanu Reeves? ... Well, neither would I, but David Ayer, the Director of the new movie 'Street Kings' has done just that. This trailer even says "from the makers of Training Day"... it's a bad rip-off by the people who made the original (which means, the same studio).

This movie looks terrible. It looks worse than 'Dirty' did. I know I haven't written a review of a trailer in a long time, but this was worth coming out of the woodwork to criticize.

Final Rating: 2 out of 10 (stars). Looks like after all our hoping and dreaming, Neo is not actually the one.


Anonymous said...

I love the new look of the blog. Man I wish I new how to do that kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...


James Hogue said...

rouge is womens' make-up and has a completely different meaning than rogue

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