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Alone in the Dark

I'm gonna try my hand at telling you the entire premise of a film by simply watching the Trailer (and this only once because I cannot bear to watch this trailer more than one time). Alone in the dark, first of all, will be rated R (for graphic violence, language, and lack of appeal to anyone who was born after Aliens was released). Christian Slater plays an angsty loser who is bitter over his father’s affection for his older brother (Robin Hood – am I correct in thinking that Robin Hood was the last film that Slater was in?) and not only that but he is also joined Lara Croft and is now a raider of tombs. The beast from Hellboy is unleashed and his buddies (the old cast from Aliens) start to terrorize the world. Robin Hood comes to the rescue and this time he is played by Richard Gere (if he is still alive). The end.

My Rating: 2/10 – This movie will not be good.


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