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Kingdom of Heaven

"From the Director of Gladiator" reads the trailer page on Apple's web site for the Kingdom of Heaven. I immedietly start racking by brain trying to remember who directed gladiator, then something hits me... this doesn't say directed by the director of gladiator...does that mean it is like Hero being "from Quintin Tino" where he had nothing to do with the making of the movie, he simply slapped his name on it? I sure hope not. No... this thing is legit! Who is that guy, that guy is Ridley Scott. This guy has a cult following thanks to movies like Blade Runner and Legend and he is known as the king of the modern movie epic (sorry guy who directed Troy, your film sucked).

The trailer for KoH looks really cool, but it also looks like a remake of Gladiator (but now I find that unlikely because the remake of Gladiator is coming out sometime next year [click here]...great! we'll talk about that one later). This looks like it might be a well executed film combining what we all loved about Gladiator with what we all thought Troy was going to be (I really hope no one got what they were expecting out of Troy). Even the whole, blue-tinted winter scenes look like out-takes from Gladiator 1. So my big question about this one is: why is the princess lying with an ashen white face next to an ax head? Is she dead...is this Braveheart or something? Or, I guess more likely, is this Romeo and Juliet?

My Rating: 9/10 - Unless this ends up like Troy (which I doubt) then it would get the boot rating of -10!


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