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Font Contest (Round 1)

Okay, so unlike some other recent contests, this one does have a Grand Prize, so see what you can do. Here's how it works:

Below you will find a list of fonts.

1. Try to figure out what they are and post an ordered list in the comments (don't worry if others see your comments, I will not tell you that you are right so others can assume that you are wrong).

2. No two lists can be the same, thus even if the two lists have the same correct answers and one wrong answer I will judge who is closer.

3. Lists will get both harder and easier as the Rounds go higher.

There are a couple of easy ones in here (though, none of them are Times New Roman) so try your best.

Here is the list. PS: I know there is no #5 - I didn't like it.


Benjamin Crum said...

Again, I have never deleted comments before (except for a few spam comments) - now I have removed two. Nathan please do not comment on this site (unless it is to apologize)

Nathan said...

I could apologize for him as a fellow Nathan.

Nate said...

What's the "Grand Prize"? I don't want to waste my time figuring out these fonts if the prize isn't sweet!

Benjamin Crum said...

okay, never mind...i'm a font nerd an no one else cares

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