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Ricky Bobby

I clicked on the link to this trailer not knowing what to expect. The title, Telladaga Nights, isn't much help. The image that shows up is of three men in NASCAR uniforms doing some sort of line dance. Not impressive. It looks like another film company is cashing in on middle-America redneck culture. In a way I was right, but I underestimated this film. Remember Days of Thunder with Tom Cruise? Well this racecar film will be nothing like that! Will Ferrell (a good name for a racecar driver) plays the part of Ricky Bobby, the great driver. From a young age all Ricky Bobby wanted to do was go fast. This movie will be enjoyable because it is not going to be like every other "SNL-skit gone Hollywood" film (Anchorman, Superstar, Big Daddy, Night at the Roxbury etc...). Instead we will get an original idea and a funny cast plus some good make-fun-of-rednecks humor.

My Rating: 7/10 - May not be clean for the kids, but will be fun anyhow.


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