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Titanic News from Famous American

AP – ALBANIA - Shoking new discovery today concerning Mother Teresa (born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) an Albanian Roman Catholic who founded the Missionaries of Charity and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work.

Sources in the war-torn nation of Albania report finding birth records which they claim prove that Mother Teresa, who claimed a life of celibacy, in fact gave birth to a child.

“The document clearly list 'Mother Teresa' as the biological mother of young Enver” states a well known American. “We suppose that the child is named for Enver Hoxha [the socialist leader of Albania during World War II] though we are not 100% sure that Hoxha is the father.” continued the American.

The claim is actually being debated by religious leaders who should know better. "Such a claim" ponders Super Arch Bishop Donald McQuigly, "could shake our faith even though the claim has no basis in reality and is easily refuted... this could be another DaVinci Code!"

Well known American with Oscars and document he claims is for the son of Mother Teresa

“I think it is interesting that well known Americans jump to perpostorous conclusions and there is no one who descreetly taps them on the shoulder and whispers “you’re a jackass” in their ear.” says Benjamin Crum, the unfamous American Blogger and Filmmaker. “The birth cirtificate says ‘Mother: Teresa’, what should this lead us to believe? First we should say Teresa, hmm, that’s a common name. The last thing we would think is that someone not just believed to be but known to be celibate would have had a child."


gelok said...

once again my faith is rattled and I am (yawn) running in circles as my world crumbles around me. Oh God, if you do exist (which I now begin to doubt), save us from (wider yawn) James Cameron, who has so thoroughly and easily destroyed our (stretch) feeble, weak-minded, and foolish faith with his incredible research and... zzzz... zz..

Peter said...

What I think we should do is make a movie that sucks really bad and then call it "Titanic"... Oh wait it's already been done. Maybe I'm being too harsh, Cameron did make "Terminator 2", and "The Abyss", two sweet movies. I'm not sure exactly where I'm going, except to say that maybe James Cameron is great at science fiction, and maybe, just maybe that's all he's great at.

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