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New Music Monday - Please Read the Letter

So it really annoys me when our local radio station, WTTS, has their version of 'New Music Monday' and then they play songs that have been out for over a year and bill it as 'New Music'. Well, here is my version of that, but if you haven't listened to the entirety of the Allison Krauss / Robert Plant album, you should:


Kevin Jackson said...

Agreed. Raising Sand is one of the best collaboration albums to come along in years! Bluegrass wunderkind Allison Krauss with rock legend Robert Plant . . . it doesn't get much better than that. And "Please Read the Letter" is one of my favorite tracks on the album. Good choice, new or not.

Edwardo Crum said...

Apparently Robert Plant's deal with the Devil went beyond the whole Led Zeppelin phase.

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