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Who Gives a Flip for an Oxford Comma?

Sometimes I find things that I think are cool, awesome, and worthwhile but perhaps a little offensive too. This often happens with music. I find something that I want to share with you all (meaning the one person who reads this blog) but choose not to because it is not appropriate.

Now, however, I have found something so cool, interesting, educational, and entertaining that I must share regardless of the consequences.

The Oxford Comma.

What is an Oxford Comma (or Harvard Comma)? It is a comma that looks just like any other comma except that it functions in a way that enables the English language to be correctly understood when it runs the risk of being sucked into a vortex of nonsense.

As I found in this short, helpful article, the Oxford comma helps understand situations that otherwise could be taken the wrong way and be absurd.

For example, if a young lady places an ad in the 'Personals' to tell us that she enjoys dining out, long hikes in the woods, holding hands and playing the guitar. I play the guitar, and let me assure you, it is difficult to hold hands and play the guitar. What if she tells us that she enjoys dining out, hikes in the woods, holding hands and riding motorcycles. Yikes!

Anyway, the reason I found this article and the reason I said what I did at the beginning is because of a band with a clever (yet, expletive laced song), "Oxford Comma". Look it up if you dare.

Awesome Live Version:

The Original Recording back in '07:

Great Music Video:


mom said...

Didn't listen to the music, but the article, particularly the final sentence, supports the Oxford/Harvard comma in such a succinct, cogent way that no further argument seems necessary.

Peter said...

I say, when in doubt, use something, a comma, a semi-colon, a full fledged colon, but never, under any but the most extreme of circumstances, should one use an exclimation point. Also, I liked the video, I like when bands put a lot of work into something like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of those people that sometimes listens to a song over and over before the lyrics ever click...this was one of those songs for me. Actually most of Vampire Weekend's songs have been like that for me. I think it's probably because the music itself is so rad that i don't care what they are saying or if it's non-sense. Like my brother used to explain about his metal obsession back in the day "mom, i just like it because of the beat, honest..."

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