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Take a Glimpse

I have found it. I have gazed into the very minds of nerds and am in complete awe. The web-site I have stumbled upon has got to be the greatest work on all the world wide web. What is it you may ask? The Encyclopedia of Arda at glyphweb.com. This site actually has a lot of interesting material on it. For instance, the game Tower of Hanoi, is one that my firends from the Comp. Sci. department and I used to play all the time (and this is a really nice Java version). Another nice addition to the site is the inclusion of a "surprise" button. When clicked, this button takes you to a random page on the site. I don't know why you would really want to use this feature, but it's there because it can be.

As I have mentioned, though, the greatest aspect of the site is the Encyclopedia of Arda. This "celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien" is one of the greatest catalogs of his work that I have ever seen assembled. I have already spent more time than I should have on the site, but somehow reading about the minnute errors that the film-makers made is very interesting to me. I now know that where Gandalf and Pip cross into Gondor should have been in a forest/glade not in an open plane (humff, surprised I didn't already know that). Anyhow, there is a lot to learn about the world of Elderon (or as you know it, Middle Earth), so check this site out.

My Rating: Either 10/10 or Nerd/10 - I'm not sure which.

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