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Daniel and Photobooth

Daniel and I have been playing with photobooth, here are some of the pics:
Contemplative Cyclops

The Andy Warhol Effect

Why the long face?

Not too happy.

View the new Vid here

And here's one of Daniel crying... okay, it's kind of mean, but it's really funny (he was both tired and upset that his face was so ugly):


This trailer comes out tonight (without the Japanese):

Google Chrome is Killing my Firefox

Sometime when I read articles on the web I think "where do these people come up with this stuff?" You can find some really far-fetched hypothesis online these days. This, however, is cold-hard-fact:

Google Chrome is Killing my Firefox!

I just now noticed it, though it has been happening for a few months now. In fact, it's been happening ever since I installed Chrome. Sure, I know I will get blacklisted by Google who is on a trajectory to take over the galaxy by 2014, but this needs to be said.

Today I was using Firefox and it crashed. I never had Firefox crash before Chrome was installed, but now it does and each time it crashes I think "Chrome's tabs run in their own, individual processes so that even if one tab crashes, the other tabs keep on trucking." I really don't want to switch to Chrome, I like all the addons I have for Firefox (not really that many, just Firebug and Cache Sweeper) but Chrome keeps enticing me.

"I won't crash on you" says Chrome, but I keep rebooting Firefox. So now the attacks are getting more serious. I'm not even sure that I will be able to finish thi......END OF LINE

Looking for a great movie?

I know, movies and music, that's all us Crum brothers talk about. Here, however are some new takes on some classics, you know, see them in a new light:

The Shining

Sleepless in Seattle

The Ring

New Music Monday - David Byrne & Brian Eno

Talking Heads = Old School
David Byrne & Brian Eno = New School

These beats are 20 years old:

Strange Overtones

Annoying quote in the middle by Eno, but a dope beat.

Currently Listening

Guns N' Roses - Chinese Democracy.

That's right, not yet released at Best Buy, but you can listen to the whole album right now on their MySpace page (or, if you're me, on your iTunes).

New Music Monday - The Avett Brothers

Okay, they're not really 'new', but in case you have not yet heard, this is the Avett Brothers making some crazy music in the back of their tour bus: This is Will You Return?

The Avett Brothers - Will You Return?

PS. Matt, I am working on getting the long hair and beard, you all need to catch up and this could be us!

Zumtrel Flooby

I have no idea what this guy is saying:

Our New Child

As many (or all) of you know, Michal and I had a baby just over a month ago. Because of that, I thought you might want to see this:

Create Your OwnMake a Routan Baby

Okay, so maybe you didn't want to see...


You know there is something wrong in the world when I become excited about the new Jean-Claude Van Damme movie... but I am.

I just watched the new trailer for JCVD and it looks really good. It seems as if the over-hyped, overplayed, under-talented, Van Damme finally gets it (now that his career is over). No one really likes him as an actor or as an action star, it's just fun to watch him kick people. Now this new film comes out and allows people to laugh at him as he mocks himself. Unbenounced to the audience, however, he actually will be pulling off the best acting job of his life and producing a fun action flick (not just because he kicks people in the face) but because other people kick each other in the face too!

Hope this one pans out the way I want.

**** 4 stars (out of five) - Good, but still not great.

Tinger Thursday

You probably haven't seen this, and there is only one level available right now, but this is one fun (and beautiful) game. It's basically Mario or Sonic, but with a norse slant. Try it out at The Adventures of Tinger.

New Music Monday - Ray LaMontagne, The Kooks, & Priscilla Ahn

Ray LaMontagne's new album, Gossip In The Grain, comes out tomorrow; here's the first single from that album:

You Are the Best Thing

...this one came out today. Not the best from the Kooks, but not too bad:


...and then for those looking for a song to fall asleep to, or to simply sit back and not do anything for 4 and a half minutes, listen to this one from Priscilla Ahn:


Two Things...

First, a funny little picture: I Scream, You Scream...

Second, a funny little band: Vulture Realty

New Music Monday - The Low Anthem

Now something everyone will enjoy. The Low Anthem.

The who? you might ask... just take a listen.

Then check out their web site where you can listen to a few tracks from their latest album, as well as their entire first album. Truly amazing.


Unfortunately for my son, I am really into type. Unfortunately for me, the hospital would not put any special characters on the birth certificate (according to the State, Zion's middle name is simply spelled Bjorn). If I could have had my way, this is how his name would look (including no spaces).

...too bad...

Progress in China

For those of you who fear that China is simply going to boil over and consume the entire world, this short News clip (from the World's Oldest News Source) will help calm you down.

China Launches First Willing Manned Mission Into Space

New Music Monday - Please Read the Letter

So it really annoys me when our local radio station, WTTS, has their version of 'New Music Monday' and then they play songs that have been out for over a year and bill it as 'New Music'. Well, here is my version of that, but if you haven't listened to the entirety of the Allison Krauss / Robert Plant album, you should:

New Music Monday - The Cromatica

No Words... Just Rainbow

Dave Chappelle

There's no way of getting around it, Dave Chappelle is just plain funny. I watched an interview by Charlie Rose with Chappelle where he talked about natural humor and how it just comes easy to some people. Well, here is another example of how funny he is (though not always the cleanest humor), enjoy:

WARNING - Apple Sucks

That's right, you heard me... the new iTunes 8.0 keeps shutting down on my computer (I even went back through the installer). I keep submitting the bug knowing that it won't do any good but hoping it brings a smile to someone's face over at Microsoft.

Any one else having this issue.

Browse in Chrome

In the computer world I am two distinct things,

1. A Mac user (though, at work I am forced to use a PC) &
2. A Firefox user (though, like any good designer I test on as many platforms and in as many browsers as I can).

Today, I find myself in a dilemma. One other technology that defines who I am is Google, and now they have released the Beta version of a Firefox killing browser called Chrome.

06 hell is chrome - Wilco

Right now, at least, I am becoming a chrome user... we will see what the future holds.

Who Gives a Flip for an Oxford Comma?

Sometimes I find things that I think are cool, awesome, and worthwhile but perhaps a little offensive too. This often happens with music. I find something that I want to share with you all (meaning the one person who reads this blog) but choose not to because it is not appropriate.

Now, however, I have found something so cool, interesting, educational, and entertaining that I must share regardless of the consequences.

The Oxford Comma.

What is an Oxford Comma (or Harvard Comma)? It is a comma that looks just like any other comma except that it functions in a way that enables the English language to be correctly understood when it runs the risk of being sucked into a vortex of nonsense.

As I found in this short, helpful article, the Oxford comma helps understand situations that otherwise could be taken the wrong way and be absurd.

For example, if a young lady places an ad in the 'Personals' to tell us that she enjoys dining out, long hikes in the woods, holding hands and playing the guitar. I play the guitar, and let me assure you, it is difficult to hold hands and play the guitar. What if she tells us that she enjoys dining out, hikes in the woods, holding hands and riding motorcycles. Yikes!

Anyway, the reason I found this article and the reason I said what I did at the beginning is because of a band with a clever (yet, expletive laced song), "Oxford Comma". Look it up if you dare.

Awesome Live Version:

The Original Recording back in '07:

Great Music Video:

We Hope You Like...

Okay, so I totally don't agree with the suggestion in this image, but I thought it was just soooooo awful that I just had to post it:

I would tell you where I got it except I'm afraid you might check out the site for yourself.


Okay, so obviously the best Fast and Furious movie is the one that Peter, Nate, Rob and I saw in the theater together many moons ago (it was actually during the day, but both Peter and Rob tried to burn rubber as we left the parking lot). That movie was fun but in no objective ways good. Then they came out with two more movies based on the same name that seemed to purposely suck (I'll admit, I didn't even watch Tokyo Draft).

Now someone is coming out with a new FnF movie that will try to capitalize on the chemistry of the first film. I will see this movie, and I'm guessing it will be fun (like the first), but I'm not expecting too much.

So why write about it? I know Diesel can act. He keeps pigeonholing himself in tough-guy, action movie roles (...like The Pacifier). I just wish he would get cast in something good where he can really show his worth.


I just like this picture:

The Something of Boris

The new theme song for the new James Bond movie, "I don't know what that means!"

Mmmm, mmmm good...

The Nerd in me...

Once again, the nerd in me emerges, but with good cause. I just ran across this article in Wired (maybe just reading Wired confirms that I am a nerd). It shows you how to search ALL of Craigslist, not just a single location, something I have always wanted to be able to do... now I'm gonna go try it out. Wired Article

Music Video - Greensleeves Suite

BARDOU-Greensleeves Suite

This is being played on a crazy traditional Sweedish instrument called a nyckelharpa and a "19 String Arch Harp" designed and built by the man playing it.

New Music Monday - Beck

Well, everyone should already know that Beck is freaking awesome. But have you heard his new album? You haven't!!!

Well that's why I'm here... check out this sweet action:

Beck - Gamma Ray

Old-School Monday

Have a happy Old-School Monday with this jam from 1989.

Biz Markie | Just A Friend

Best line: "Oh... snap, guess what I saw?"

New Music Monday

Eat your heart out Good Shepherd Band!!!

New Music Monday

The Tallest Man on Earth: A friend from church, Aaron, recommended this guy. Sounds a bit like Dylan, old style folk. Aaron said this guy is really cool... very thick Swedish accent but sounds like old-time American when he sings.


I just read a statistic on the BBC site on motor vehicle accident rates in India. The reported warns to take into consideration the size of India, it is a large/populous nation, still the numbers are startling. More than 100,000 deaths, 2,000,000+ seriously injured per year. This in a nation whose roads are about to get even more congested thanks to the cheapest car in the world, the Tata Nano.

See the BBC report

Tata Nano (Wikipedia)

Fictitious Fact Friday

Fact: Just as you can become immune to scorpion stings you can also build an immunity to fire burns. The precise details of how to do this are a little hazy but generally it involves fusing a nomex suit to your skin and then, while your body is cooling, wrap yourself in aluminum foil.

Warning: This method does not protect you from heat from fire, but it will keep you from scorching.

Bull Whip

I'm probably gonna definitely maybe make one of these. As kids I remember pretending to be Indiana Jones, sometimes using a rope or bungee-chord as the iconic bull whip. This looks a lot better (though, it would take a little bit more time). We actually used to be able to 'crack' our whips too, I guess a rope works just as well as a whip for that.

Get more details and instructions here.

For a good time...

It's been a while since I actually wrote something in a post. I have been putting up a lot of music and little movies and stuff, but I haven't really had any random 'blog' worthy rants recently, so here goes:

Not sure if you're familiar with this feature of blogger, but for those of you with a profile the movies and music that you list turn into links and will take you to a list of other bloggers who have listed the same movie or musician. I guess the point of this is to be able to find other people who like what you like, but it seems strange to try to build a passive social network. Anyhow, what I've found is you get really crazy links when you put really crazy movies.

Take my profile for example (you can try this one out for yourself):

I put a bunch of legendary films on my profile like the sequel to Baby Geniuses (SuperBabies), and here's who I got linked to:

You may say it's dishonest to claim to like movies that I, in truth, have never seen. But you would be a spoil-sport to claim such a thing.

New Music Monday

Okay, so it's actually Monday so here's some music.

First, a band that has been around for a while, but have not made it 'big'... yet! The Black Keys. They rock, but you don't have to take my word for it:

And for those of you who love old Southern Rock, here's one that might touch your heart... The Righteous Path by the Drive-by-Truckers:

Crazy Bobbles

I can't figure out exactly who this is, but I guess it's some guy who really likes Muse and so does covers of their songs. Here are a couple for you to enjoy:

First: Supermassive Black Hole

And Second: Punintended (Unintended)

There's a third track on his blog, but it's not very good.

New Music Monday: Thursday Edition

Die, Die, Die
Cool concept in this video, nicely done. The music is not amazing, but it's not to bad either. Enjoy...

Happy Birthday Daniel

Daniel, day one.

Daniel in the Smokey Mountains, a couple weeks ago.

New Music Monday: Thursday Edition

Okay, sorry I have not posted any new music for a few weeks. Here are a couple of treats for a Thursday:

First, off their new album, Supernatural Superserious, here's R.E.M.s title track.

...and here's a live version of 'Soul' off Van Morrison's new album, Keep it Simple:

I love it when an older artist or band comes out with something that reminds me of why I loved them in the first place. A lot of great bands, and I know I'm gonna get in trouble here, like U2, The Rolling Stones, Pearl Jam, Fleatwood Mac, and even Tom Petty have come out with new stuff that, while not necessarily "bad" is not nearly up to the caliber of what their old stuff was. What I think sets these two albums from others is that their sound is updated without loosing the original passion and energy. Rock on R.E.M and keep the good times coming Morrison.

Yes, I am a Nerd...

This isn't really a series, but it sure seems to be a recurring theme. So here's the latest:

I found this ad in a link from my G-mail. I just think the opening line is one of the best I have ever read in a job-placement spot.

"We're hiring
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 1:35 PM
Posted by Keith Coleman, Product Manager

Despite our best efforts, Gmail doesn't yet build itself. So we're looking for good people to keep making it better and better. It's fun and rewarding to work on a product that you, your friends, other people you know..."

(from the Official Gmail Blog, my emphasis in red)

Daniel Peregrine

The Official Daniel Peregrine Desktop Background

[click the image for full-size]

Daniel at the Park

We took Pippin to the park the other day. He loves (I mean... LOVES) swings. He thinks slides are okay too.

Friday Retroscective

Some music videos with a common thread. The first one here is from a band called Unkle (thanks for the link John). This song sound like Thom Yorke, some of their other stuff sounds more like Interpol. The other videos, as you will see, are what this one made me think of --- Enjoy:

Wouldn't it be sweet...

Wouldn't it be sweet to hear that there's gonna be a free concert in town and that all you have to do is wait in line to get your ticket? And wouldn't be sweet if that free show were being performed by the legendary Dave Matthews with his buddy Tim Reynolds? And wouldn't it not detracted from the sweetness to have the being performed in support of Barack Obama? (Yes, that was a double-negative).

Well it would be, and is, sweet. Michal (and Daniel and I) waited in line last night and got our Golden tickets (well, Daniel didn't actually get a ticket) and we are going to a Dave Matthews/Tim Reynold concert this Sunday night here at IU's Assembly Hall... and yes, it will be sweet.

Concert Info

New Music Monday: Tyler Ramsey

I've been waiting a whole week to post this one (I didn't want to put too much up last week). This is Tyler Ramsey, who plays with Band of Horses, from his new solo album, A Long Dream About Swimming Across the Sea. This is really amazing.

Tyler's MySpace page.

Newton Virus - Art virus for Mac

Just in time for April Fool's Day:

New Music Monday

Here in Bloomington there is a great radio station, 92.3 WTTS. They play a lot of great music and, because they are not corpertly owned like most other radio stations (owned by ClearChannel) they are able to play a huge variety of new stuff, not just the pop-chart top 10.

Anyway, here's a new-ish band I have been listening to, Band of Horses, from Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. Enjoy.

*Can't really claim this as being a great video, but the song rocks --- in fact, you should listen with your eyes closed.

Propencity for Crime

This from a Wired article, March 19th:

The director of Scotland Yard's forensics division says that Britain should be collecting DNA samples from any primary school children who show signs of behavior that exhibit a propensity for later crimes, according to an article in the Observer.

The Yard's Gary Pugh says the idea that trivial offenses committed early in life can forecast more serious crimes later in life is supported by studies, and that identifying these individuals when they're children would not only aid crime-solving later, but possibly deter some of these suspects from committing crimes when they're adults.

I must admit, the idea of predicting who criminals may be and preparing for it is an interesting idea. Much like the film Minority Report issues would be raised over convicting someone of a crime they have not committed and would beg the question, would these children grow to be criminals if it were not expected that they would? Undoubtedly some would, in fact, continue a life of crime, but others may simply become criminals because that's what they know everyone is expecting of them.

Get a Mac.

I try not to post from work, and I try not to post about work. The above screenshot, however, is from work and it illustrates (though certainly not thoroughly) what I hate about PCs. Oh how I want a Mac!

P.S. The file I was trying to save (you can see a "Do you want to save" window) did not save. Thanks a lot Microsloth.

Ghosts I-IV

I am, by no means, a Nine Inch Nails fan. I do think what they are doing is cool though. Like Radiohead, NiN is allowing listeners to download 9 tracks for free off their web site. As you may recall, Radiohead allowed users to download the entire album, In Rainbows, back in October of last year.

After this decision to ditch their label and release the album on their own a lot of speculation began circulating as to whether this was the wave of the future or not.

Now with NiN jumping on the free download bandwagon (in a modified fashion) it seems we will just may be getting more free (and legally so) music in the future. The hope the bands express is that if people like the free tunes, they will be willing to buy the rest of the tracks (NiN) or extra material (Radiohead) or maybe even a solid-state copy of the album at a later date.

So what's the one problem with Nine Inch Nails approach? The problem is, after all's said and done, you're still left with Nine Inch Nails music*.

*In all fairness, I did really like the addition of Nine Inch Nails music to the original Quake --- it really made the game!

Cool Video

This from Radiohead's latest "In Rainbows" - Jigsaw Falling Into Place.

Street Kings

Two years ago I wrote a critique of a trailer for a movie called 'Dirty', a movie I called a clear rip-off of Training Day. So, if you were a director wanting to rip-off Training Day again, who would you pick to be the bad-ass rouge cop? ... How about Keanu Reeves? ... Well, neither would I, but David Ayer, the Director of the new movie 'Street Kings' has done just that. This trailer even says "from the makers of Training Day"... it's a bad rip-off by the people who made the original (which means, the same studio).

This movie looks terrible. It looks worse than 'Dirty' did. I know I haven't written a review of a trailer in a long time, but this was worth coming out of the woodwork to criticize.

Final Rating: 2 out of 10 (stars). Looks like after all our hoping and dreaming, Neo is not actually the one.

E-2... HIT!

One of my favorite games as a kid (back when I use to like games) was Battleship. There's just something really satisfying for a young boy to hear the words "You sunk my battleship!" (sometimes followed by the words "butt head!"). Anyhow, here's the footage from the Navy of their shot at the spy satellite during the eclipse last night.

Pretty cool eh?

Happy Monday

Okay, so there usually isn't much to be happy about on Mondays. The beginning of another work-week (or school week), snow swirling around outside, people walking past saying stupid things like "hi, how's it going?" or "guess what I did this weekend?"... anyway, thanks to John Alberson, this should hold us over for another week.

Vampire Weekend - A Punk*

*I don't know which one is the name of the song and which is the name of the band.

Can I Live

Thanks to Kim for posting this. I was gonna comment about how this isn't rap, it's Hip-Hop (or maybe even R&B), but the song is too powerful to downplay. Everyone, take a listen and share with a friend.

3:10 to Yuma

Back in September of last year Peter wrote about 3:10 to Yuma, the Christian Bale, Russel Crow western. Peter talked about how it wasn't a great "western" but was a good movie in a western setting.

Michal and I just watched Yuma last night and my reaction was a little harsher. I thought it sucked. Sure the acting was good, the camera work was good. the story was even good, but the one thing that ruined the movie for me were the "holes". Now, I understand that when watching a movie the audience is expected to resign themselves to a suspension of reality. We can enjoy Star Wars (the real ones) not because we think they really happened (like Star Trek), but because our imagination is engaged and reality is suspended. I did find myself drawn into the film, and I thought there were many good paths to explore (the Apache, the leg injury, Christian Bale's marksmanship), but these were all (minus the leg wound) left unexplored and unresolved. I kept thinking "why won't Bale pick-off that guy? He has a gun in his hand, he was a sharpshooter, that guys isn't that far away!" The only explanation I could come up with was that eventually, by the end of the movie you would see Bale unravel as the bad-ass you wanted him to be. He never did. Also, the Apache... super dangerous, really bad way to go, we shouldn't go that way... and there were three of them? The Apple Dumpling Gang could have taken care of three indians!

My statement to Michal after the movie was "why do people spend millions of dollars to make disappointing movies?" If you were gonna have Bale being chased through a town by 30 or 40 bad guys, don't tell me he's a sharpshooter and that he can "hit a jackrabbit at 100 yards". He missed that stone-wall-jackson /queer-eye-for-the-strait-guy / backwards-pistol-pulling-moron like a million times! There was even a bad-guy sharpshooter who he could have shot (through the scope), but never killed. Maybe if there was a directors cut with new footage and an alternate ending I would watch it again, but my final reaction to Yuma,

Three Thumbs Down!

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This is the official blog of Ben Crum & BC Online. Check out the Crum Brothers at Crumbros.com and the Crum Family at the CrumFamilyBlog.