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Quite Possibly the Best Commercial Ever Made

The EDS Commercial about Cat-herders.
As far as commercials go, this is a 10/10!


sources say

That's right, the bcBlog is getting more and more readers as the days roll on. Why is this, you might ask? The reason is simple, this is the greatest blog on the face of the earth. Great movie reviews, great movie previews, and great insight in to the mind of Ben Crum. Enjoy.

- Associated Press


One would think that every bad guy on the face of the earth would know by now to leave Harrison Ford alone. He can best endless numbers of Nazis, make all the terrorists get off his plane (and then land it) and he has the fastest ship in the galaxy. Well, apparently the doctor from Master and Commander didn't get the memo. Firewall, in a word, looks superawesomefantasticbad-to-the-bone. Good acting, good story, good dialog... everything you would expect from a movie that Harrison Ford feels is worth his time. The only thing I want to know is this. Obviously Ford still has the energy to bust through windows and take out bad guys (with coffee pots), so where the heck is Indiana Jones IV?

Firewall - Harrison Ford - 8/10 - Great suspense thriller, action flick.

The Way Home

A Benjamin Crum Film.

Special thanks to G. Love and the Special Sauce
For more, see bc online at Google Video.


Every once in a while I miss a good movie. Inevitably three or four years later someone says, "hey Ben, remember that part in ... " and I've gotta say, "um, no, never saw it!". Well, if you're like me then I've got good news for you. Hollywood, it seems, is beginning to release the same movie, a few years later so that you can go watch it again (for the first time). Dirty is one of those films. Anyone ever heard of Training Day? It's not like they took some obscure Japanese movie and made The Ring, no, they took a really popular movie and did the same thing (hey, that rhymes - editor). I think this might be a cool movie. But why not just watch Training Day again? I'm not saying that the genre of crooked cops isn't legit, I'm saying that the way this one is shot, the way the characters are portrayed, the way the trailer is put together make me think that this is simply a clone with a new name.

I'll give this one 3 1/2 stars. Not worth my time and money (why pay $10 when I can rent it for three?)

Audio Blog #1

this is an audio post - click to play

Crazy Uncle George

All of us Crums have heard the stories about good ol' "Crazy Uncle George", but for those of you non-Crums, let me introduce you to our hot-tempered uncle. Uncle George lived in Saratoga and was a "chef" of sorts (also known as a top-secret undercover spy, one of the original members of the real G.I.Joes as I recall). Anyhow, he is most famous for his hot-tempered invention of potato-chips (or Saratoga Chips as he called them). Read the account here

Exit - A Benjamin Crum Film

Here is the newest film from BC Online and Director Benjamin Crum (me). It's more of a "let's test the new camera" than anything else. Enjoy.

Great Moments in Crum History

How far does the influence of the Crum family extend? That has been a question undergoing debate for decades now. There are some who say that the Crums simply puff themselves up and are really nothing more than a large family with very intelligent and creative children. However, it is easy to see the ways different members of our family have impacted society. For instance, have you ever given someone a high-five? Of course you have (or at least you would if you didn't miss every time you uncoordinated white-boy). Well, did you know that the mastermind behind the high-five was, in fact, a Crum? See this article from the Wikipedia. It is obvious that he was the mastermind behind the "first high five" by his long time friends Glenn Burke and Dusty Baker and then encouraged the players of his own team to continue the action. Genius, and it could have only been done by a Crum.

High Wire Stunts


The Crum Clan has been undergoing serious attack from those who think we are not as great as we say we are. See the entry at Wikipedia for "Crum". Why is there so much debate about the greatness of Crums?

PS. For those of you who don't know, Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that allows users to add items and edit entries.


from the AP wire

A recent comment on the Crum Family Blog has incited outrage among the brothers Crum. The comment posted in response to a post by Jess Crum, states to have been written by a Crum who is to chicken to reveal his true identity. Sources closest to the Crum family insist that the comment could not be legitimate as it suggests a rebuke of Peter Crum (considered to be one of the most right people in the world). The Peter Crum Clan has yet to submit a formal statement but it is believed that the rouge commenter will be hunted down by elite special forces controlled by the Crum Clan and then taunted or called a "sissy".

Don't Look at Me When I'm Talking to You

This article from the BBC tells of a survey that shows that children who avert their eyes when answering a question are more likely to get it right. The reason cited? "Looking at faces is quite mentally demanding," Dr Doherty-Sneddon told the BBC News website. Uhh... what's the point of asking a question if you are not trying to demand a level of mental ability? It makes sense that you want the right answer, but you also want the child to "learn"... putting him under added pressure by making him look at you will allow him to develope this mental ability. The last part of the article talks about the necessity of waiting for the child to answer the question, giving him adequate time and I think that is a good point. Though, it is also important to have timed tests and, once again, put the student under pressure to keep his mind on track and answer quickly and concisely.

Thank You For Smoking

Every once in a while a movie rolls out that just makes me say wow. And as you may have guessed... "Wow!" Thank You For Smoking looks like it might be one of the funniest movies I will ever see. I don't know if it will have a re-watch quality (the ability of some movies to not get old after one viewing, this is a problem that constantly plagues M. Night Shyamalan films), but the first time through it will be great…maybe. The story follows a good looking young business man and his antics as the top lobbyist for the tobacco industry (it also shows his friends the gun lobbyist and the alcohol lobbyist). I know the film is an anti-smoking movie about how cool it is to smoke, but the entire premise, and thus the entire trailer, and so hopefully the entire movie, is(are) hilarious. Nick Naylor, played by Aaron Eckhart (Paycheck, Nurse Betty etc...) tries to sell cigarettes to kids while being a good role model for his own son (the scene at his sons school will be really funny). I think the dynamics and character caricatures will be great. This film was screened in Toronto last and will hopefully make it's way to the local silver screen (or at least the local silver-double-sided-multi-layered-disc case in the local video/game/food/apparel store)

News from the Middle East

Not having a TV at home, and never reading the newspaper, I have found the interent to be a great source to keep me up-to-date on current events. Here is a video of a story reported, I guess, on the BBC.

PS. I know it's a joke.

Welcome, to the bcBlog

This is the official blog of Ben Crum & BC Online. Check out the Crum Brothers at Crumbros.com and the Crum Family at the CrumFamilyBlog.