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Quite Possibly the Best Commercial Ever Made

The EDS Commercial about Cat-herders.
As far as commercials go, this is a 10/10!


Nathan said...

good commercial but not quite up there with the all time classic of:


sorry tried to do an html link but it wouldn't accept it for some reason

Benjamin Crum said...

Is that the "babies everywhere!" commercial... yeah it's pretty good.

Benjamin Crum said...

...but you can't forget the Sportka Ad.

Watch it Here

Benjamin Crum said...

Well, I don't make 'em, I just watch 'em... here's one for all those bird-lovers out there.

Watch This

Benjamin Crum said...

sorry, I didn't understand that... it's a movie clip? where is the file? Is it on your computer or on some other web site?

Benjamin Crum said...

well, if you're wanting those copyrighted animated gifs that she has links to, simply click on the link and then click "File" and "Save as", save them to your desktop and then upload them to your blog like an image.

Benjamin Crum said...

oh, it should just play. First make sure it is saving as a gif file, if that doesn't work... ask me again

Benjamin Crum said...

... I just figured it out (though you do, technically, use a link)... in a new post, click to add a picture. In the new window that pops up you can enter the URL of the picture, in this case it would be: http://www.freecodesource.com/pages/grafix/animated/anipics/dynamite.gif -then click upload and it will add the animated picture, not just a link. Hope this helps.

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