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Don't Look at Me When I'm Talking to You

This article from the BBC tells of a survey that shows that children who avert their eyes when answering a question are more likely to get it right. The reason cited? "Looking at faces is quite mentally demanding," Dr Doherty-Sneddon told the BBC News website. Uhh... what's the point of asking a question if you are not trying to demand a level of mental ability? It makes sense that you want the right answer, but you also want the child to "learn"... putting him under added pressure by making him look at you will allow him to develope this mental ability. The last part of the article talks about the necessity of waiting for the child to answer the question, giving him adequate time and I think that is a good point. Though, it is also important to have timed tests and, once again, put the student under pressure to keep his mind on track and answer quickly and concisely.


Benjamin Crum said...

you have no id... what's that over there?!?!?!

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