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Pandora's Jar

This may look like a normal window from Pandora, the slick online music hub. But it's not. This is actually a view of Pandora's Jar, an app that lets Pandora users listen to Pandora while simultaneously downloading the music they are hearing.

Pandora's Jar allows users to listen to their favorite discovery music over and over again. The setup is quite difficult (I installed four different versions before I found one that works well), but once it is up and running it is great. Here are the tracks I have captured so far:

Like James Blunt

For any of you out there who like James Blunt (Thomas, I know you're out there somewhere), you may want to check this out. The Flight of the Conchords (props to Jon) have a song that pretty much sums up all of Blunts music in one 4 minute song.

Jon, you get the credit for introducing me to FotC, but I will take the responsibility for this song offending anyone... however, we do not endorse or recommend anything else by this band... exempt for Albi!


As not-so-many of you know, there is a blogger who calls herself "Hinds Feet". Due, perhaps, to a rude post about me on her blog, or perhaps for other reasons, her true name has now been leaked to the world-wide-inter-web-tubes (AKA, the Dubbaya Dubbaya Dubbaya). What is her name? Kim... [roll over for her full name].

Okay, I guess all publicity is good publicity.

Family in the Fall

Just wanted to post a quick snapshot of the Crum family in Fall garb. I am so happy this season is finally here.

Welcome, to the bcBlog

This is the official blog of Ben Crum & BC Online. Check out the Crum Brothers at Crumbros.com and the Crum Family at the CrumFamilyBlog.