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Like James Blunt

For any of you out there who like James Blunt (Thomas, I know you're out there somewhere), you may want to check this out. The Flight of the Conchords (props to Jon) have a song that pretty much sums up all of Blunts music in one 4 minute song.

Jon, you get the credit for introducing me to FotC, but I will take the responsibility for this song offending anyone... however, we do not endorse or recommend anything else by this band... exempt for Albi!


Anonymous said...

the first time I heard FotC was on NPR of all places...I'm not sure if that made it funnier, but here is a link to that FreshAir interview it was pretty funny they perform several songs too...I love the song "part-time model"...i know someone who told his girlfriend she "could totally be an amateur model" and that was way before this song ever came out. After I heard it i told him he missed his chance writing that song (clue: he's a songwriter too)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

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