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Pandora's Jar

This may look like a normal window from Pandora, the slick online music hub. But it's not. This is actually a view of Pandora's Jar, an app that lets Pandora users listen to Pandora while simultaneously downloading the music they are hearing.

Pandora's Jar allows users to listen to their favorite discovery music over and over again. The setup is quite difficult (I installed four different versions before I found one that works well), but once it is up and running it is great. Here are the tracks I have captured so far:


Anonymous said...

Mmmm...is this not stealing?

Benjamin Crum said...

no, I don't think you understood. I am simply retaining a file that someone downloaded onto my computer. If they didn't want me to have it, they wouldn't have given it to me in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Yeah it's still stealing but nice justification.

Anonymous said...

I don't get this whole stealing concept going on with this kind of stuff. Its like recording your favorite TV shows on to VHS/DVD, or heck even Tivo.

Dimath said...

Complicated question.
If it is stealing, then memorizing is stealing too.

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