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Okay, so I totally don't agree with the suggestion in this image, but I thought it was just soooooo awful that I just had to post it:

I would tell you where I got it except I'm afraid you might check out the site for yourself.


Okay, so obviously the best Fast and Furious movie is the one that Peter, Nate, Rob and I saw in the theater together many moons ago (it was actually during the day, but both Peter and Rob tried to burn rubber as we left the parking lot). That movie was fun but in no objective ways good. Then they came out with two more movies based on the same name that seemed to purposely suck (I'll admit, I didn't even watch Tokyo Draft).

Now someone is coming out with a new FnF movie that will try to capitalize on the chemistry of the first film. I will see this movie, and I'm guessing it will be fun (like the first), but I'm not expecting too much.

So why write about it? I know Diesel can act. He keeps pigeonholing himself in tough-guy, action movie roles (...like The Pacifier). I just wish he would get cast in something good where he can really show his worth.


I just like this picture:

The Something of Boris

The new theme song for the new James Bond movie, "I don't know what that means!"

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