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Zumtrel Flooby

I have no idea what this guy is saying:

Our New Child

As many (or all) of you know, Michal and I had a baby just over a month ago. Because of that, I thought you might want to see this:

Create Your OwnMake a Routan Baby

Okay, so maybe you didn't want to see...


You know there is something wrong in the world when I become excited about the new Jean-Claude Van Damme movie... but I am.

I just watched the new trailer for JCVD and it looks really good. It seems as if the over-hyped, overplayed, under-talented, Van Damme finally gets it (now that his career is over). No one really likes him as an actor or as an action star, it's just fun to watch him kick people. Now this new film comes out and allows people to laugh at him as he mocks himself. Unbenounced to the audience, however, he actually will be pulling off the best acting job of his life and producing a fun action flick (not just because he kicks people in the face) but because other people kick each other in the face too!

Hope this one pans out the way I want.

**** 4 stars (out of five) - Good, but still not great.

Tinger Thursday

You probably haven't seen this, and there is only one level available right now, but this is one fun (and beautiful) game. It's basically Mario or Sonic, but with a norse slant. Try it out at The Adventures of Tinger.

New Music Monday - Ray LaMontagne, The Kooks, & Priscilla Ahn

Ray LaMontagne's new album, Gossip In The Grain, comes out tomorrow; here's the first single from that album:

You Are the Best Thing

...this one came out today. Not the best from the Kooks, but not too bad:


...and then for those looking for a song to fall asleep to, or to simply sit back and not do anything for 4 and a half minutes, listen to this one from Priscilla Ahn:


Two Things...

First, a funny little picture: I Scream, You Scream...

Second, a funny little band: Vulture Realty

New Music Monday - The Low Anthem

Now something everyone will enjoy. The Low Anthem.

The who? you might ask... just take a listen.

Then check out their web site where you can listen to a few tracks from their latest album, as well as their entire first album. Truly amazing.


Unfortunately for my son, I am really into type. Unfortunately for me, the hospital would not put any special characters on the birth certificate (according to the State, Zion's middle name is simply spelled Bjorn). If I could have had my way, this is how his name would look (including no spaces).

...too bad...

Progress in China

For those of you who fear that China is simply going to boil over and consume the entire world, this short News clip (from the World's Oldest News Source) will help calm you down.

China Launches First Willing Manned Mission Into Space

Welcome, to the bcBlog

This is the official blog of Ben Crum & BC Online. Check out the Crum Brothers at Crumbros.com and the Crum Family at the CrumFamilyBlog.