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Pandora's Jar

This may look like a normal window from Pandora, the slick online music hub. But it's not. This is actually a view of Pandora's Jar, an app that lets Pandora users listen to Pandora while simultaneously downloading the music they are hearing.

Pandora's Jar allows users to listen to their favorite discovery music over and over again. The setup is quite difficult (I installed four different versions before I found one that works well), but once it is up and running it is great. Here are the tracks I have captured so far:

Like James Blunt

For any of you out there who like James Blunt (Thomas, I know you're out there somewhere), you may want to check this out. The Flight of the Conchords (props to Jon) have a song that pretty much sums up all of Blunts music in one 4 minute song.

Jon, you get the credit for introducing me to FotC, but I will take the responsibility for this song offending anyone... however, we do not endorse or recommend anything else by this band... exempt for Albi!


As not-so-many of you know, there is a blogger who calls herself "Hinds Feet". Due, perhaps, to a rude post about me on her blog, or perhaps for other reasons, her true name has now been leaked to the world-wide-inter-web-tubes (AKA, the Dubbaya Dubbaya Dubbaya). What is her name? Kim... [roll over for her full name].

Okay, I guess all publicity is good publicity.

Family in the Fall

Just wanted to post a quick snapshot of the Crum family in Fall garb. I am so happy this season is finally here.

How to...

I just found a little web site that has many "How to" videos. It's great. You can learn how to play guitar or fix your car... or you can learn how to pick up chicks in grocery stores or, my personal favorite, learn how to "smack talk". Thomas, this one's for you:

Ryan Tapp tells us how we can be tools, just like him! Very degrading! [I had to remove the stupid video, it kept autoplaying!]

From ExpertVillage.com



Have you heard this song from Flight of the Conchords? It's pretty funny.

Frodo [2.6MB]

Guitar Heroes

I was surprised at how popular the game Guitar Hero became. It seemed like such a stupid idea to me. "Let's repackage Dance Dance Revolution with a fake guitar-looking thing!" Anyway, there is still no doubt about who the real Guitar Heroes are. Here is some awful awesome footage from some live performances*.

*Listen for Enter Sandman from Eric Clapton!

Shreds - From StSanders

Courtesy of StSanders. Via WIRED

My Next Life

In my next life I hope to be a Cannonballer.
What, you may ask, is a Cannonballer? The speed record for driving across America (New York to Los Angeles) is 32 hours and 7 minutes and is called the Cannonball Run. That means, to beat this record, one would have to maintain an average speed of 90 miles per hour the entire way from coast-to-coast.

Read Jon's blog as he documents his ficticious treck to Cali, this WIRED article about a real life Cannonballer, and watch this video, made in the late 70's (I think) of an F1 racer in the pre-dawn early morning Paris streets.

Rendez Vous, a Claude Lelouch film

Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes

Viking Rock Battle

Who will win? Gotta watch to find out!

What News is coming to...

WARNING! May contain foul language

Viewer Voices: Where We Respond To The Opinions Of Our Uninformed Viewers

Renault Ballett


Being replaced must feel really bad. Football players (and all athletes for that matter) experience this as do factory workers, cleaning ladies, McDonald's employees and all other jobs that can be performed by robots. What is even worse than being replaced by a robot is not knowing that you've been replaced. I just stumbled across these pictures from the eccentric, eclectic collection at The House of the Rock. Sorry Andrew, it looks like you were replaced 100 years ago by this automatic violin machine (a steam-powered robot?... that sucks!).

This organ is not automatic, but it does look really sweet!

Here are some more great pics.

Andy Rooney - the Racialist

Now Available

I know I have put up a lot of stuff today, but here is one more thing:

The Blog of Daniel


Music Downloading

There are a couple of ways to hear new music. You can: talk to your friends (assuming you have... the ability to talk) and find out what they are listening to. Or you can listen to corporate radio to find out what some suites in an office want you to buy today. Or you can download random music.

I received a $15 iTunes card for my birthday (thanks) and decided to do the latter. Here's what I got:

Ray LaMontagne - Three More Days - This song is really cool. Ray rocks!
Lucinda Williams - Right in Time
Crooked Still - Can't You Here Me Callin' - Sound like Allison Krauss
Abigail Washburn - Keys to the Kingdom
Pieta Brown - Pass You By
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
The Sleepy Jackson - Good Dancers
Asobi Seksu - Lions and Tigers
Arcade Fire - My Body is a Cage - this is more of a contagious song than a good song. I just can't help listening to it.
Porcupine Tree - Lazarus
Teddy Thompson - My Heart Echoes - This guy has a really nice voice (His version of King of the Road is great... but gay)
Philip Aaberg & Scott Mathews - The Warmth of the Sun/Surfer Girl - nice soft version of the Beach Boy classic.
Madeleine Peyroux - Half the Perfect World

I'll have a player up so that you can listen soon...

...More of Daniel...

Back by Popular Demand...

Here are some more pictures of Daniel, sorry it has taken so long to post these... our camera is broken so taking new pictures is kinda hard.

"Happy to be naked!"

Fat-faced smile

Post-bath shock

More coming real soon...

Ndola, Zambia

This is a slide show that the Wegener family put together of their home in Zambia (many of the pictures were taken by Michal a few years ago).

What's My Name?

I guess there are some bloggers out there playing tag. My Mom got tagged and has now tagged me... thus, this post: (oh, and one note before you read on, I hate telling other people what I think traits of myself are because they probably think "yeah right, if he only knew!")

W - White - the color of my skin. Though it's not really white, we only say it is to make really white people feel good. It's more of a "flesh" color if you ask me.

I - Interested - There are things that I am interested in. Some things I am not. But "I" stands for the ones that I am.

L - Light - This, the first of the "L"s stands for light. Compared to the United States Ship, Carl Vinson, I am light. Did you know that the Carl Vinson, a Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, weighs 100,000 gazillion megatons (according to Wikipedia)!!!

L - Lighter - this is a cop-out since I didn't want to come up with another word with "L".

I - Indigo - There are many men in the world who claim to only know of five colors (six tops if you consider "camouflage" a color). I however know of many more names for those same colors. Indigo, for example is just another name for "darkish medium purplish blue".

A - Anti - There are some people who always say "I'm all for it!" Well I'm not. There are some things that I am not for: Public Urination, for example, is one thing that I am adamantly apposed to.

M - Mxolisi - Okay, this really isn't a "trait" of mine, it's actually just the name of a child in South Africa. But It's a really fun name to say (you have to cluck the "x" - ending the cluck in the "o" sound: Mmm-[cluck]+oh-leesee). Daniel loves it when I say this name.

So there you have it... so now, who should I tag?

Back at it again...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to announce that Mr. Nathan Alberson is back at his old antics with a new blog. That's right, you can once again read a blog that surpasses the interestingness of mine and the oddity too. In fact, this may be the most odd and interesting blog in the blogsphere... but you don't have to take my word for it!


A student film.

Ben Affleck Hoping Jason Bourne Has Sidekick In Next Movie

Another great one from the onion...

LOS ANGELES—Actor Ben Affleck, best known for his role in the 2003 film Daredevil, told reporters Monday he would really like to see action hero Jason Bourne, played by longtime friend Matt Damon, acquire a sidekick in his next film.

"I was thinking that the character, who would probably be Bourne's childhood friend, could really breathe some new life into the series," said Affleck, adding that the Jason Bourne character ran the risk of boring American audiences if the superspy wasn't allowed to show a more human side in his films. "I envision the sidekick as being taller, slightly beefier, and having darker hair than Bourne. He may not be the smartest, but he could provide comic relief and would always look out for his best friend."

"I know a few people who would play the part," the Jersey Girl and Gigli star continued. "Hell, even I would put some projects aside to do it if that's what the producers wanted." [read on]

Destruction Of National Pastime Given Two-Minute Standing Ovation

I was gonna post this on the family blog, but I though Matt might get mad, so it's here instead: from the onion.

SAN FRANCISCO—A sellout crowd rose to its feet and exploded into ecstatic cheers Tuesday night as Barry Bonds completed the downfall of America's most revered sport by hitting a thundering 435-foot shot into the left field bleachers for career home run No. 756 and tainting baseball's most beloved record.

Celebrations broke out throughout AT&T Park and thousands of flashbulbs went off as Bonds took his ceremonial trip around the bases, his arms raised in a jubilant gesture of triumph as he completed his desecration of baseball. Fireworks filled the night sky to mark the utter destruction of the national pastime, a scramble for the infamous baseball broke out in the stands, and the game was interrupted for 10 minutes in the bottom of the fifth to mark the shameful occasion.

Mike Bacsik, the pitcher who made the difficult and admirable decision to pitch to Bonds as if he were a normal player, and who will forever be known as the man whose fastball was sent out of the park along with the last remnant of baseball's self-respect, could only watch. Bonds would later present Bacsik with an autographed bat.
Moments after Bonds crossed home plate into the loving arms of his family and the eventual judgment of history, he addressed the fans, thanking them for their support on his long, hard road of perverting baseball.

"Thank you very much. I got to thank all of you, all the fans here in San Francisco. It's been fantastic," he said to his deluded and complicit home crowd as his godfather Willie Mays, a fading symbol of what baseball once was, stood at his side.
As soon as Bonds completed his self-congratulation, a self-conscious gasp could be heard as a videotaped message from Hank Aaron was played over the video screen, sending surprise and a fleeting moment of uncomfortable self-awareness through both the crowd and Bonds himself.

"Throughout the past century, the home run has held a special place in baseball and I have been privileged to hold this record for 33 of those years," said Aaron, whose legacy of persevering with profound personal dignity through racism and persecution to become the all-time home run leader will hopefully not be tarnished by public acknowledgment of Bonds.

"I move over now and offer my best wishes to Barry and his family on this historic achievement," Aaron concluded, displaying infinitely more grace than Bonds, baseball fans, and perhaps even baseball itself had any right to ask of him.
Bonds then presented his helmet, gloves, and bat to a steward of the Baseball Hall of Fame for shipment to Cooperstown, where they will be enshrined forever, allowing fathers and sons to come and stare at them glumly as they bear mute witness to baseball's diminished glory.

The Nationals won the game, 8-6.


Usually "Mash-Ups" annoy me, but you gotta admit, this one is really funny.

The Legend of Robert Johnson

Delta blues legend Robert Johnson is one of the greatest singer/songwriters to ever live. It's hard to tell you what song or album to listen to since it could take a sampleing of his entire catalog to find out how great he is. That's why I recommend the Robert Johnson Complete Recordings (from Colombia Records).

Thomas Johnson (Tommy from O, Brother Where Art Thou) once claimed the Robert Johnson had sold his soul to the Devil at a crossroads. In turn the Devil took Robert's guitar, tuned it, and showed him how to play (the same story Tommy attributes to himself in the film).

Some of my favorite covers of Robert Johnson songs include "Went Down to the Crossroads" by Eric Clapton off his Unplugged album and "Hot Tamales" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Keep Drivin' Fast

From America's oldest and most trusted news source, the Onion.

Sepak Takraw

Sepak Takraw: One of the most bizerre games in the world! The last move is the best

The Funniest Thing (of the day)

I don't know what it is that makes this so funny, but I had a hard time not laughing out loud (which isn't a bad thing, except that I'm at work).


Sometimes I come across something that might be of some use to other people, this doesn't happen very often. This, however, may be of some use to you!

Goog-411 is new in the Google Labs. It's a service that allows you to look up local business numbers toll-free on any phone. Just dial 1-800-GOOG-411 (466-4411). I just tried it and it worked like a dream.

Check it out (now).


Tired Of Traffic? A New DOT Report Urges Drivers: 'Honk'

Another vid from the Onion News Network. This is a lame excuse for a post.

Table Computer

Here is a great idea... how about a huge table that is a computer.

Yep, it's no iPhone!


Maybe I'm just a mean-spirited person, but I think this shirt is awesome!

You can buy me one here.

The Nerd in Me

Every once in a while (like, once a week) I say or post something that proves I am, in fact, a nerd. Here is this weeks entry. This is awesome though... if you don't get what he's talking about wait for the Notra Dame demo, it's really sweet.

Bush says it like it is...


All in a Day...

Our friend Collin was over the other day and he and I went caving. There is a cave, with a really small entrance, on our property. We followed it for a mile or two (two hours in and out). Anyway, here are some pictures from the trip and one of after dinner "hang time".

PS: Sorry that I'm in all the pictures, I didn't have the camera.

Funny Stuff

Breaking News: Something Happening In Haiti

Isn't this every story you have ever seen on the news.

Wizard People, Dear Reader

Who knows how long this is going to be online. With the author of "Potter" being so uptight it might get bombed soon, but 'till then, give this a listen. It is true magic.

*Contains some muggle-cursing.

The Nations Oldest and Most Trusted News Source

The Onion News has secretly been my favorite website for the last few years. I actually get more out of the real news because the Onion points out the irrationality that often fuels traditional-media stories. Now this online, Daily-Show-esque site has a video feature "You Will Never Read Again"... you need to see it to believe it.

Our New Home

Here are some pictures of our new home here in Bloomington. For you all who remember the layout of Bloomington we are south of town and west of 37 (out by the stone quaries). Some pictures of Spring will be coming soon...

In the Living Room

The Baby's Room

The Editing Room

The Master Bedroom

The Watchdog - Congo

Jonathan Coulton

Jonathan Coulton is not the cleanest song writer, but some of his songs are really funny and really creative. Try this one, When I'm 25 or 64, a nice mash of John Lennon (with the Beatles) and Chicago. For the slightly more adventurous listener, try Skullcrusher Mountain, a kind of touchy-feely/James-Bond-Villain balled.

For more check out his website at jonathancoulton.com.

George Lucas

The worst director who is still alive.

DMM - a Benjamin Crum film

Another film from Benjamin Crum. This time, a mock-umentary of DMM (David's Mighty Men) the men's leadership training group from CGS.

Credits: Stephen Baker, Tim Bayly, Dave Curell - Actors
Stephen Moxey - Director
Benjamin Crum - Editing, Director of Photography

Titanic News from Famous American

AP – ALBANIA - Shoking new discovery today concerning Mother Teresa (born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) an Albanian Roman Catholic who founded the Missionaries of Charity and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work.

Sources in the war-torn nation of Albania report finding birth records which they claim prove that Mother Teresa, who claimed a life of celibacy, in fact gave birth to a child.

“The document clearly list 'Mother Teresa' as the biological mother of young Enver” states a well known American. “We suppose that the child is named for Enver Hoxha [the socialist leader of Albania during World War II] though we are not 100% sure that Hoxha is the father.” continued the American.

The claim is actually being debated by religious leaders who should know better. "Such a claim" ponders Super Arch Bishop Donald McQuigly, "could shake our faith even though the claim has no basis in reality and is easily refuted... this could be another DaVinci Code!"

Well known American with Oscars and document he claims is for the son of Mother Teresa

“I think it is interesting that well known Americans jump to perpostorous conclusions and there is no one who descreetly taps them on the shoulder and whispers “you’re a jackass” in their ear.” says Benjamin Crum, the unfamous American Blogger and Filmmaker. “The birth cirtificate says ‘Mother: Teresa’, what should this lead us to believe? First we should say Teresa, hmm, that’s a common name. The last thing we would think is that someone not just believed to be but known to be celibate would have had a child."

Africa - Crum Brother Films

I Won't Get Fooled Again.

New template

I know, I am a nerd, but I have changed my template once again! I couldn't resist. Anyhow, you should find this one works just as well as the last with one new sweet feature! (other than my super-huge pic)... you can now search my blog! That's right, a new search feature just for you! Enjoy!

New Record: 5 exclamation points used in one paragraph (with no "in-a-row" uses)

Cooking with...

Click Here
Not quite "Cooking with Julia" but this is one strange dude!

More from Boston

Another photo (from the AP wire) suggesting Islamic Terrorist involvement in the "Hunger Force" campaign.

Known Terrorist to Run for Mayor of Boston

BOSTON - Known terrorist and former president of Cartoon Network, Jim Samples, announced today his intention to run for Mayor of Boston in 2008. The "Old Folks Night-Light Assembly Union 215" of Boston, Ms. Jones' 2nd Grade class, and militant Islamic groups have been working around the clock to assemble new LED based signs for the campaign.

The signs vaguely resemble Samples and are constructed of small LED lights, a board, 4 D batteries, tape or glue and occasionally C4 or other explosive material. "We hope this campaign will hit Boston with a blast" says Sample campaign director Michael Gatty.

Boston Mayor, Thomas M. Menino, was unavailable for comment but was purported to mumble under his breath that he was going to "get that son-of-a-[gun]" if it was the last thing he did.

[New campaign sign over Boston]

[Campaign sign for Jim Samples]

Martin Scorsese's Next Film

Martin Scorsese's Next Film To Be Three Hours Of Begging For Oscar
Here's a funny article from the Onion. It is kinda' sad how hard some people try and still don't get the regognition they deserve. Scorsese has made some great films (Raging Bull!) and still no Oscar? Oh well, maybe this will get it for him.

Peter Crum - Letters

I love reading my brother Peter's movie reviews. Here is a review of a film that I have not seen (yet), Letters From Iwo Jima. A great review from Peter and good insight into the mind of the director. I must admit, this is not a movie that I had intended to see. I was afraid it would be anti-American and pro-bad guys but now I am looking forward to seeing it and getting a glimpse at the humanity of the men on the other side of the gun.

South Africa - a Benjamin Crum film

This is a film showcasing images and video from our trip to South Africa this past year (fall of 2006).

Thief - a Benjamin Crum film

NOTE: This Film was shot backwards - that is why it is awesome.

A new film from director Benjamin Crum.

The Greatest Game Ever Played

Boise State vs. Oklahoma University

If you didn't see this game you won't understand, you probably won't believe. This was the best football game ever played. The classic underdog story, the tragic big-dog come back, the impossible last effort trick play, the gutsy statue of liberty finish... what a game. When OU came back from 18 points behind, picked up the botched punt return and took the lead Pop said "well that ruins my bowl game day and my new years" but the game wasn't over and by the end of the night we had the best new years bowl day ever!

Congratulations Boise State (and the soon to be Mrs. Ian Johnson)

Welcome, to the bcBlog

This is the official blog of Ben Crum & BC Online. Check out the Crum Brothers at Crumbros.com and the Crum Family at the CrumFamilyBlog.