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The Nerd in Me

Every once in a while (like, once a week) I say or post something that proves I am, in fact, a nerd. Here is this weeks entry. This is awesome though... if you don't get what he's talking about wait for the Notra Dame demo, it's really sweet.


Peter said...

Now of course this is really cool Ben, and it appeals to the nerd in me too... But isn't this like one of the scariest things you've ever seen? Say you post a picture of yourself in your backyard, theoretically you could zoom out of that picture and make a step by step map from anywhere to your backyard. Now that's alright as long as it's like your friend or something, but what if it's some crazed fan who wants to steal your underwear? Well maybe it's just me, but that's scary.

Benjamin Crum said...

I think that sound like the beginning of a suspense/mystery thriller... somehow tracing an instant back in time (or forward in time) through connected-picture technology.

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