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My Next Life

In my next life I hope to be a Cannonballer.
What, you may ask, is a Cannonballer? The speed record for driving across America (New York to Los Angeles) is 32 hours and 7 minutes and is called the Cannonball Run. That means, to beat this record, one would have to maintain an average speed of 90 miles per hour the entire way from coast-to-coast.

Read Jon's blog as he documents his ficticious treck to Cali, this WIRED article about a real life Cannonballer, and watch this video, made in the late 70's (I think) of an F1 racer in the pre-dawn early morning Paris streets.

Rendez Vous, a Claude Lelouch film

Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes


Benjamin Crum said...

my favorite moment in the film is when the driver nearly takes out the pedestrian at 0:06:30

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