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New template

I know, I am a nerd, but I have changed my template once again! I couldn't resist. Anyhow, you should find this one works just as well as the last with one new sweet feature! (other than my super-huge pic)... you can now search my blog! That's right, a new search feature just for you! Enjoy!

New Record: 5 exclamation points used in one paragraph (with no "in-a-row" uses)


Anonymous said...

No! No! No! You have three exclamation points in-a-row. You need a proof-reader.

But the template is nice!

Benjamin Crum said...

thanks (i think?)

Anonymous said...

hey, if you want i can email you a larger version of that picture so it's not all grainy....i've been meaning to burn you a disk of all the pictures anyway...

Welcome, to the bcBlog

This is the official blog of Ben Crum & BC Online. Check out the Crum Brothers at Crumbros.com and the Crum Family at the CrumFamilyBlog.