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Wizard People, Dear Reader

Who knows how long this is going to be online. With the author of "Potter" being so uptight it might get bombed soon, but 'till then, give this a listen. It is true magic.

*Contains some muggle-cursing.


Anonymous said...

So, I don't read your blog too often anymore, but I do check it every now and again, because I know you put things up like this. It had me laughing for awhile.

Benjamin Crum said...

Thanks Kim, thanks for letting me know that you don't read my blog. That was really encouraging!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't trying to be encouraging with the fact that I don't read your blog EVERY day, but with the fact that I enjoy reading it so much that it's pretty much the only blog I read still.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben,
I wanted to let you know that I started up blogging again, with a new blog.

-Don't laugh

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