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Crazy Uncle George

All of us Crums have heard the stories about good ol' "Crazy Uncle George", but for those of you non-Crums, let me introduce you to our hot-tempered uncle. Uncle George lived in Saratoga and was a "chef" of sorts (also known as a top-secret undercover spy, one of the original members of the real G.I.Joes as I recall). Anyhow, he is most famous for his hot-tempered invention of potato-chips (or Saratoga Chips as he called them). Read the account here


Anonymous said...

you do know that wikipedia entries like that generally end up getting deleted pretty soon

Benjamin Crum said...

actually, for your friggin information, Uncle George was a real man, and a famous man at that!!! I didn't write this wikipedia entry and I will ask you to please refrain from posting anonymously.

Jonathan said...

or Crazy Uncle George's band of elite Renegade friends will delete YOU pretty soon.

Crazy Uncle George was also black and that made him even crazier.

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