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Such a Dreamer...

Ben Crum - Director
Jon Crum - Guy
Congo - The Dog


Nathan said...

after the original dream dog, seeing it with the radiohead is like seeing wizard of oz with pink floyd - it doesn't quite fit but it's kinda freaky anyway, like some bizarre student art film or something

Nate said...

Is the part, where Jon and Congo are dancing together, perhaps a take-off of the part in Fiddler on the Roof when Tevye and the fiddler are dancing together?

Also, interesting choice of music this time. I'm not sure that I would have picked radiohead for this film. The film feels so happy and full of life, and the radiohead selection seems a little to sad and morose, but what do I know, I ain't the director.

Nate said...

Maybe try this film with the opening piece of music in fiddler on the roof?

Benjamin Crum said...

you'll notice Joseph was part of the "remix" team on this film, he was encouraged us to compleetly change the feel of the film simply by changing the music.

I wanted to add an effect to the image to make it fit better but I think it is an interesting study on how music can effect the picture.

Nathan said...

it is an interesting study, but i think nate's right that something about the radiohead just doesn't seem to fit. maybe that's because we all heard "daydream" first, but i tend to the think the images are too bouncy for it not to be somewhat incongrous

Anonymous said...

another interesting idea might be "daydream" for jon's frolicking, and then a segue into radiohead for the congo sequence

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