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Two-Twenty-Two - by Ben Crum

For the first time ever Dude 222 has entered the world of Trance! Okay, not really (we don't even know what Trance is) - but there is a new techno song by the band on SoundClick dot com. Check it out here [A Little Louder Now]. There is also another track on the SoundClick site that has been in the Dude Vault for a long time but it's been cleaned up (though the volume is still too low) but you can listen to it here [Mary Jane]. This makes us wonder... is Dude coming out with a NEW album any time soon? We sure hope so. Word is that they are working on the soundtrack to a new film due out later this year. If we hear any more, we'll let you all know.

[to the left: a new album? - we found this image on the Dude 222 site on SoundClick. Does this mean there is a new album or is the band just toying with us? who knows]


Benjamin Crum said...

I don't think we need help

Anonymous said...

...actually "we" refers to the staff of BC Enterprises Unlimited and BC Online.

Benjamin Crum said...

yeah, i don't get it. I didn't do anything

Nathan said...

i listened to that mary jane song (pretty sweet) and i didn't think i had to turn it all that loud to hear, but then when i went to listen to soemthing different, i was blown out of my seat!

Benjamin Crum said...

yeah, I wasn't kidding

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