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Holy Crap

For those of you who have been following the situation in Israel and the occupied territories this may be of interest. Israel's newly elected president is named Ehud Olmert. I personally think that is awesome. If I were the Palestinians, I wouldn't let him anywhere near my top ranking officials and it seems that is exactly what they are thinking. The Palestinians, though they claim to hate all Jews alike, really hate Ehud and his Kadima party. With this, the Iran stink and the impending Iraqi civil war, it seems war's a brewin' in the East.

Ehud Olmert of the Kadima Party


Nate said...

The "situation" in Israel. I'm not sure that I'm up to speed on current events quite yet, I'm still working on their situation in the New Testement.

Benjamin Crum said...

I was looking at where he wares his watch and figured that he is. Most men ware a watch on their left wrist, left handed people don't (as often)

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