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Post #2

So this is my second post of the 2nd Annual Blogging Contest.

I was looking as some other blogs and trying to get a feel for the competition just now and I was a little disappointed. There really isn't a whole lot of activity. There isn't much, of what my brothers and I would call, competition. On the few blogs that have seen posts tonight there have only been a handful of comments (nothing like the dialoge between Nathan A. and someone named Hackenbush on my previous post). I admit that there has always been a little bit too much competitiveness in my family and so it may not have been wise to let me in a contest like this, but hey, I know I'm gonna win that prize... wait... come to think of it, I'm not sure there is a prize. Dang! This contest really does suck!

So to make this post worth while; here's a thought on a song that the title of my post made me think of: Blur - Song #2 - You know, the one that goes "wooo whoooo, I got my head checked, by a jumbo-jet..." ...what does that even mean? Crack anyone?


Lucas Weeks said...

So why are you doing this again?

Lucas Weeks said...

What I mean to say is, "what is your motivation for being in such a contest?"

Anonymous said...

I think it's awesome. The Edomites need to be laughed at just as much as the Moab types.

Nathan said...

"I think it's awesome. The Edomites need to be laughed at just as much as the Moab types."

It's not even an Edomite thing, so I don't know what's to laugh at...

Anonymous said...

"Thanks to support from the Edomites"... and it's all the same people...

Nathan said...

I think the person that put the whole thing together would know, maybe we should ask him...

Benjamin Crum said...

Like I always say, if you can't join them, beat them.

No use arguing, all I want to do is get a ton of points. (at least for a day or two, then I will quit and claim that I could have kept it up but was too bored).

I am no Edomite, I am not a Moabite either (though the person who put this whole thing together is one or the other) - I am simply a left-handed (read: sinister) Benjamite... stay tuned

Benjamin Crum said...

yeah, they sure are

Benjamin Crum said...

Nathan, you punk! It is an Edomite thing (insert explicative!). If an Edomite posts a comment, what happens? I get more points!!! can anyone say RIGGED!!!!

Nathan said...

I think you've got the MOAB/Edom thing confused...

Benjamin Crum said...

umm, no. I had their names confused but I know exactly what's going on. You think MOAB is like some kind of evil empire, but then you try to claim superiority in the blog-sphere. Shame, shame, shame. This is what I call a sore vexation and pure superfluidy of naughtiness.

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