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Two people just happen to be standing in a lobby waiting for the same elevator. After a few uncomfortable minutes of trying to avoid the other’s eyes, accidental eye contact occurs and the first one blurts out “ah… hi!” Great, now he’s done it, now person two feels as if he is required to say something too, but it can’t just be the same “hi”, no, he needs to say something a little more, you know, to show that he’s not a jerk. “What’s up” says person two, fearing that person one will take it as a question and not simply a statement requiring absolutely no reply. “Um, not a lot… just waiting for my ride” says person one, motioning to the elevator that seems to be taking forever, and smiling, hoping person two finds his retarded statement to be at least a little witty. “yeah, tell me about it” replies person two smirking, and then realizing that he has again posed a rhetorical question that may very well be answered. Another silence. Not a totally uncomfortable silence, in fact it feels much better than the awkward conversational small talk. “Some weather we’re having huh?” says person one. “hmpf” grunts person two, trying to kill this one before it turns ugly again. “Have you ever heard of it being 60, then snowing, then being 80 and then 50 and rain? Crazy huh?” This guy just won’t give up… what’s the deal? Ding! Finally, the elevator of salvation. Both step on board. Person two punches 64. “Floor?” he says, not wanting to start another uncomfortable situation. “65” replies person one, “64 huh? You must work in accounting”

It seems as if there are only really two types of people in this world. Well, perhaps three. Person ones, person twos, and person three who would tell person one to shut up. One of my favorite past times is to sit in the mall or to sit on a bench downtown and watch people. I don’t know if people watching is really considered a serious hobby, but it is so much fun and so interesting. Watching the interaction between perfect strangers and seeking to uncover their hidden agendas or motivations is my favorite pastime. Try it some time, when you are waiting for someone or simply looking for a way to pass the time, watch people. In seeing them you will begin to see yourself. Anyhow, just another random thought of my day.


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