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Save the Green Planet

I have found it yet again. The film that all people will be saying "have you seen" about. And it's name... Save the Green Planet. This film has been a smash hit in its native Korea and was directed by Jang Jun-Hwan who has made many waves in the independent film pool and will hopefully begin to see more notoriety on the film circuit. Save the Green Planet claims to not be adventure, not be romance, not be comedy, but rather be something that you have never seen before. And I dare say, they are right. I have never even heard of such a hair-brained plot. This guy thinks his boss is an alien and his paranoia leads to more mishaps than Mrs. Fletcher and McGuiver escapades combined.

The Crazy Film, Save the Green Planet

My Rating: I'm having a hard time with this one, I think maybe a 7/10 or 7.5/10. This film looks really funny, but you never know with Asian filmmaking what the story will pan out to be like.


Anonymous said...

Have you seen this movie, or is your rating scale pure speculation? And if so, what might your pre-Napoleon Dynamite rating have been? Have you ever given us reason to trust your rating scales? Who are you anyways? Just because you have a fancy-smancy website, a degree in Informatics, and various skills, does that elevate you to some ninja master/red vest @ Wal-Mart wearing/almighty movie critic whose opinions guide and direct our weekend silver screen selections. I'm sorry...that was dumb. I just wanted to write something on your blog, and plug my lame-o student webpage at the same time...check it out...it really sucks.

Benjamin Crum said...

Matt, you didn't leave the URL for your lame-o site... and don't the people at Wal-Mart wear blue vests or is the red vest special or something?

Anonymous said...

what are you talking about? there is no way matt's page is anymore dumb than your blog ben, and here's my not lame-o page http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=the_jacket
- alex

Benjamin Crum said...

I would simply like to point out that both of your sites are lame... based on a scale of lame-to-not lame, I would give both of you a "lame".

PS. My blog is awesome and I am getting married.

Anonymous said...

A computer literate person would have known to click on my name to find my webpage (you know the blue type and underline indicates a "link" if that computer jargon isn't too confusing).

Anonymous said...

These are the most confusing lines of diologue since the Architect's stupid lines in that dumb Matrix sequel... All i have to say is this Green Planet thing can't touch Napoleon. "Gosh!"

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is the most amazing site I've ever seen. The colors, the detail, the ratings... I may never return to work. By the way, the walmart workers with red vests are ninja's and can't be seen. When the right time comes, they give the command to their mongoose and the unsuspecting theif is instantly brought down. Just pray that you never have to hear the words "Mongoose, kill!".

Anonymous said...

I don't care how many of you guys have girlfriends or wives, that doesn't really matter. What are you guys talking about here. Can you believe I am saying this, GET A LIFE!!!

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