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John Hiatt - Walk On

John Hiatt seems to be one of those guys who is just awesome to listen to. I really have only heard one of his albums, Walk On, his 1995 release, but it is one of the best albums that I have ever heard. I was talking to my brother Jon the other day about what makes a great album. We were talking about Abbey Road by from the Beatles and Dark Side of the Moon from Pink Floyd...even A Rush of Blood to the Head from Coldplay. These albums are all what I would call great, but they are great for different reasons. We concluded that Dark Side of the Moon is the best album of all time (unless another is discovered)... but it's the best because all the songs flow so smoothly into one another... it is truly an album. John Hiatt's Walk On is more along the lines of A Rush of Blood... in that it is a collection of great songs all on the same album. It all works, it's great to listen to, and the nice thing (as apposed to Dark Side...) is that you can listen to one song and you don't feel like you have to listen to the entire album from start to finish. So, for some great listnin' check out Walk On.

My Rating: 9/10 - Great Album


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