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Apple - "A New Low" or "Such Great Height"?

Video from Google Video

The Postal Service vs. Apple Computers
See for yourself the rip-off of The Postal Service's music video "Such Great Heights" by the new Apple/Intel ad. Supposedly Apple actually hired the same film studio to do their commercial as had done the music video. Still, both are pretty cool.

"It has recently come to our attention that Apple Computers' new television
commercial for the Intel chip features a shot-for-shot recreation of our video
for 'Such Great Heights' made by the same filmmakers responsible for the
original. We did not approve this commercialization and are extremely
disappointed with both parties that this was executed without our consultation
or consent."
-Ben Gibbard, The Postal Service


Nate said...

That is such a great commercial. Jack Bower/Kiefer Sutherland has an amazing voice over for tv commercials. That is also a sweat remix of the Postal Service.

Benjamin Crum said...

I read something about how understandable it is that The Postal Service is upset because Apple's commercial is better than the video they ripped off.

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