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I found this on another blog but I decided to copy and paste it rather than linking because the guy had a picture of himself in his underware and I didn't want to subject anyone else to it. This is funny though.

1. (Adjective) possessing an exaggerated sense of masculinity, power, courage, and virility. Example In Smokey and the Bandit Burt Reynolds delivers a hasselhoffian performance.
2. (Adjective) overpoweringly pleasing to the senses in appearance or manner. Example The Mona Lisa is a hasselhoffian work of art.
3. (Adjective) to command or acquire a large German following. Example During World War II Hilter's popularity was hasselhoffian.
4. (verb) a slow motion or over exaggerated form of movement. Example The lifeguard took a hasselhoffian run toward the drowning swimmer.


Nathan said...

i hear david hasselhoff was the best thing about the spongbob movie

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