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It had been believed that Ben Crum was a certified Nerd (though no solid evidence had ever been presented on the subject). New details have recently surfaced that prove that Ben is nowhere close to being a Nerd (at least not a 1st Order Nerd). The Proof: This proves that it takes more than computer know-how and a pocket protector to be truly considered a Nerd. Though Ben admits that he does understand the principles that this machine is based on he claims to not be interested in constructing his own. "What's the point, it seems like once it has been made the only thing left to do is use the Lego® Construction System to build other machines, Babbage is so last year!" Ben is currently working to construct a combustion engine using an Erector Set and modeling clay. "I might be a Nerd some day, but not today" snorts a untidy Ben as he eats a Twinkie™ and sips on a bottle of Mountain Dew, "I have too much on my mind to retake the SAT test to get my official Nerd score"


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This is the official blog of Ben Crum & BC Online. Check out the Crum Brothers at Crumbros.com and the Crum Family at the CrumFamilyBlog.